“The Conjuring House” The Farm on Round Top Road / Arnold Estate – November 2020 – background
It was dark and raining when we arrived at the house so we didn’t really get any good pictures of the outside of the home.
Pulling into the driveway we were greeted by Cory and brought inside where we met Jennifer, Kyler, and most importantly their two dogs. Since the Heinzen’s are experienced paranormal investigators, they sequester themselves to a small section of the house to help ensure they are not going to contaminate any evidence. In there you can see the “wall of signatures” where you get to sign anywhere there is space so you can your mark and become part of the house’s history. They have their command central setup which runs 24/7 monitoring the entire house inside and out.
Cory walked us through the house and shared what he knows with us. During the walk though Cory noted a kitchen cabinet was opened which was closed earlier in the day. Cory made sure we knew how to get them should any need arise, but otherwise, the house was handed over to us.
The house has a warm “family” feeling to it, not the kind of feeling you would think you would get from a house that has the reputation it has.
I had heard from watching many of the video’s about the house, about this one particular Ouija board that was hand made by a friend of their’s. When he was sanding it down, he sanded it by hand, and as a result of the process bleed into the wood. It is by far the most stunning Ouija board we have ever seen.

These were our fresh out of the house notes.
I could not shake the feeling that there was a presence guarding the house, like don’t do anything to hurt this house or family or else.
The “Library” room nearly put us to sleep. Sitting in there all I wanted to do was take a nap.
The basement my elbows and shoulders would get a cold feeling (there’s reports of something touching men’s shoulders and elbows in the basement so that might have been it.). No matter which direction I was facing it was always coming from behind. There was a sound there I kept hearing, and I couldn’t place the sound at the time, but in retrospect it sounded like someone shoveling stone or coal.
There was a lot of sounds of foot steps. It could have been caused by the wind, but hopefully we caught it. It was always 2 – 3 steps then stopping.
Music boxes. These were interesting, they went off like someone went past them about a minute after they would be placed somewhere, but then never go off again. It was as if whatever sent it off realized it triggered it and then avoided it.
The Ovilus went absolutely nuts when it was sitting next to the Ouija board. It didn’t make sense, it was like a kid trying to figure out how a toy worked.
The second floor there’s a room setup with a blackboard where lessons would be taught. It’s one of the newer rooms that was added on. While laying on the bed, I felt the bed rocking like a cradle.
A REM POD in the same room acted very strangely. It would go off when there was a vibration on the floor. If you are familiar with REM PODs they do not go off from vibration. It is almost like something was intentionally close to it, but not setting it off, but the vibrations were just enough to move the antenna towards it to set it off. It was like a game of “I’m not touching you”.